NURS 8210 Week 11 Discussion The Value of Nursing Informatics and Project Management for Nursing Practice

Nursing informatics plays a crucial role in developing communication and information technologies in clinical practice. Therefore, it is important for nurse professionals to acquire nursing informatics competencies; it can help them to be more competent in patient care settings (Kleib et al.,2020). This course offered a platform to further explore nursing informatics. As such, the exploration of nursing informatics made me appreciate its value and consider how it can impact my clinical practice. Nursing informatics has value since it enhances patient care by harnessing data-driven insights and patient care decisions. As a nurse, I have to deal with patients with different needs who are in need of patient-centered intervention; nursing informatics has equipped me with skills and knowledge of leveraging electronic health records and sifting through databases to make faster decisions, which then helps in improving patient outcomes (Kutney-Lee et al.,2021). The value is on fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to improve patient outcomes.

The information learned in this class will be used in my professional practice and DNP project. One of the core areas is data analytics, which can be applied in my professional practice to inform patient care decisions and other clinical decision-making processes to improve patient outcomes. The aspects learned will also be used in the DNP project. For example, the skills will be used to analyze patient data and identify trends to help in fine-tuning the proposed solution for better patient outcomes. New competencies have been learned, and they can be used to improve practice. One of them is informatics knowledge, which involves the recognition of the use and/or importance of nursing data in improving practice (Jouparinejad et al.,2021). I have a completely different view of the importance of nursing data in improving practice. The other competency is data and information access through the navigation of various systems. This is key as patient data can be used to improve outcomes through collaboration.


Jouparinejad, S., Foroughameri, G., Khajouei, R., & Farokhzadian, J. (2020). Improving the informatics competency of critical care nurses: results of an interventional study in the southeast of Iran. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making20, 1-12. 10.1186/s12911-020-01244-5

Kleib, M., Chauvette, A., Furlong, K., Nagle, L., Slater, L., & McCloskey, R. (2021). Approaches for defining and assessing nursing informatics competencies: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis19(4), 794–841. Doi: 10.11124/JBIES-20-00100

Kutney-Lee, A., Carthon, M. B., Sloane, D. M., Bowles, K. H., McHugh, M. D., & Aiken, L. H. (2021). Electronic health record usability: associations with nurse and patient outcomes in hospitals. Medical Care59(7), 625–631. Doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001536

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